the holy city of medina

Umrah without agency

It explains how you can make your visa application, but also to book the flights, the hotels, to move and to make transfers between Mecca and Medina.


Tips for Umrah

A trip to the holy land prepares well in advance as this is a crucial step if you want to live in full consciousness every minute of your pilgrimage.


Umrah in summary

The Umrah, which could be translated by "Visit to the Holy" is a religious act that is accomplished, a bit like the Hajj to Mecca. It is sometimes called the " Little Pilgrimage ", in reference to the "Great Pilgrimage', that is the Hajj.


Umrah in details

The Umrah, which could be translated by "Visit to the Holy" is a religious act that is accomplished, a bit like the Hajj to Mecca. It is sometimes called the " Little Pilgrimage ", in reference to the "Great Pilgrimage', that is the Hajj.

cover umrah

When to go on Umrah ?

Unlike the Hajj, there is no fixed period of time to perform the Umrah, it is possible for this spiritual journey at any time of the year.

orloge makkah

The length of an ‘Umrah

Many people believe that it is necessary to spend several days, or even weeks, to perform a umrah, but this is not true.

Picture of the door of Kaaba, its golden Inscribed with Koranic verses and decorations.

The state of Ihram

The state of ihram is a state of spiritual and physical sacralization that is prescribed to muslims during the Hajj, or Umrah. This term comes from the Arabic word "Haram" which means sacred or forbidden.


The story of Hajar

The rite of Safa and Marwa commemorates the actions of Hajar, the wife of Ibrahim (alayhi salam), Hajar. In fact, this last has walked seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwa in search of water for her son Ismail.


the mosque of Qouba

Go to the discovery of a mosque of the most important in islam. This is the mosque of Qouba. Its history, its architecture... this Masjid will have no secret for you !


Your luggage for Umrah

This is the time to make your luggage ! Here, we will talk about the need to be in your suitcase for umrah. We will give you the list of cases to take with you to detailing the uses inchaallah.

training Umrah

Umrah with his children ?

What is the Umrah with his children ? Is it possible to travel with them ? And how do we organize ?

map of al madinah

Visit The City Of Medina

Places full of history and places where our beloved prophet ﷺ has walked the earth. In this article, we offer you the places to visit in Madinah.

palm madinah

The differences between Hajj and Umrah ?

The Hajj is an immediate obligation for every muslim who has the ability (physical and financial), and is assured of safety during his journey and his stay in the holy places.


Umrah badal to a death or an incapacitated person ?

The Umrah or the Hajj by proxy is doing the tour pious, or the pilgrimage to the name of a muslim could not perform because of a disability.


The HAJJ in summary

On the 9th day of the month of dhu al-Hijjah is the best day of the year. During this day, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims gather on the land of ‘Arafah.

The HAJJ in details

We recommend that any person sui wants to perform the Hajj to study the rites of the pilgrimage in the light of the Qur'an and the Sunnah, so that Hajj is complete in inchaallah approved by ALLAH.

training Umrah

What is the Umrah with his children ? Is it possible to travel with them ? And how do we organize ?

card makkah

Visit The Mecca

Places full of history and places where our beloved prophet ﷺ has walked the earth. In this article, we offer you the places to visit in Mecca.



Do you know the Quraish ? this arab tribe who inhabited and controlled Mecca and the Kaaba. Go to the discovery of this tribe, in which was born the Prophet (Salla lahu alayhi wa salam).


On the day of ‘Arafah

On the 9th day of the month of dhu al-Hijjah is the best day of the year. During this day, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims gather on the land of ‘Arafah.

mosque of medina

The Prophet's mosque / Al-Masjid Year Nabawi

High Angle View Of City Buildings During Sunset

The Sacred mosque / Al Masjid Al Haram

The discovery of a unique spiritual experience, the pilgrimage of Umrah is the perfect opportunity for muslims to perform an act of devotion to Mecca. The approach is often to go through a specialist travel agency, but it is quite possible to achieve this sacred journey independently. This writing aims to inform people wishing to organize their Umrah without agency, providing practical information and advice for a successful stay.

Get ready to dive into the heart of Arabia, between Madinah soothing and Mecca enchanting. In these holy cities, each step echoes of a history that is sacred, every breath mingled with the prayers of millennia. The formalities of visa coincide with serenity, leaving room for a total immersion in the rites of the hajj. Your pilgrim soul is awakened, free and daring, ready to embrace the wealth of cultural and spiritual Arabia. The quest for spirituality then becomes an inner journey, an epic of the personal, which begins with a simple visa and that will lead you on the paths of light from Medina to Mecca.

Visa requirements and the steps to follow

Obtaining a visa is a crucial step to accomplish theUmrah. There is a tourist visa to visit Saudi Arabiabut this is not the one you'll need to complete your pilgrimage. The visa Omra is specific and requires approaches specific to the saudi authorities. It is advisable to inform yourself in advance about the documents required and conditions, including the presence of a mahram for women.

  • Administrative procedures : Start by gathering all the necessary documents such as your passport, a passport photo, a certificate of vaccination against meningitis and a certificate of conversion to islam for converts.
  • Duration of visa : The visa Umrah is valid for a period of 30 days and allows you to stay 15 days in Saudi Arabia.
  • Apply for the visa : Visit the official website of the saudi arabian authorities to fill out the online form and upload the required documents. Pay the visa fee and wait for the approval.

Accommodation, transport and tricks for a successful stay

Once the visa in your pocket, it is time to take care of the logistical aspects of your Umrah without agency. L’accommodation is a key element to be taken into account to ensure your comfort during the pilgrimage. The hotels located close to the Mecca and Medinaalthough often expensive, offer the advantage of quick access to sacred sites. However, it is possible to find hosting solutions more affordable by comparing the offers line. Think of more to book your plane ticketsideally with an arrival at the international airport-King Abdulaziz in Jeddah, or Prince-Mohammed-Bin-Abdulaziz of Madinah.

  • Local transport : Several means of transport are available, such as buses, taxis or car rentals. It is important to choose the one that best suits your needs and your budget.
  • Prepare spiritually : Before starting, it is essential to learn about the rituals to be performed during the Umrah and get acquainted with the different stages of the pilgrimage.

By following these tips, and by carefully planning each step, your Umrah without agency will be a rewarding experience and a memorable one. Don't miss the opportunity to accomplish this spiritual journey independently and make the best of it.

Tips for travel in Saudi Arabia without agency : occupational safety and budget

In the optical to organize a umrah without a agencyit is important to prepare for his journey Saudi Arabia. The safety of the pilgrims is a major concern, and take a few precautions is a good idea. In a first time, it is necessary to learn about the security conditions of the country. Although Saudi Arabia is a country relatively safe for tourists, it is recommended to consult the travel advice issued by the government of the country of origin.

Subsequently, on budget, different options are available to future pilgrims. It is possible to save on some aspects of the travelas for the accommodation, book a hotel to advance or by opting for the cheaper accommodation. For local travel between the Mecca and Medina, of the transit services are available at reasonable rates. However, it should be borne in mind that the cost can vary depending on the time of year and demand.

Tips for a successful pilgrimage without agency : formalities and spiritual preparation

Well organize his journey involves more than preparing to perform the rites of the pilgrimage. Thus, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the different steps of Umrah and to investigate the conditions required to obtain a visa. For example, for women, it is imperative to be accompanied by a mahram or a group of women if they are aged less than 45 years.

Make use of local resources to facilitate his stay in Saudi Arabia

To live an enriching experience during his trip in Saudi Arabia, do not hesitate to ask the local people or the pilgrims experienced, to obtain advice and recommendations. They can help you to better understand the culture of the country and to facilitate your integration in this special environment.

Achiever his dream of pilgrimage without agency : a unique and memorable experience

The adventure of perform an Umrah without agency offers the opportunity to write his own story, to live an initiatory journey is unique and personal. Everyone can take full ownership of the highlights of this pilgrimage, and get an intense spiritual experience. Then, ready to take on the challenge and set out to explore this fascinating universe ? Don't wait any longer, start planning your trip with complete independence !

  • Tips safety : learn about the conditions in the country and consult the advice to government travelers.
  • Preparation of the budget : anticipate the costs by booking a hotel in advance, choose accommodations, and economic use of local public transport.
  • Formalities : familiarize yourself with the steps of Umrah, to study the conditions required to obtain a visa and enforce the rules relating to the mahram for women.
  • Local resources : solicit local people or pilgrims experienced, to obtain advice and recommendations.

FAQ : Everything to know about the blog Umrah without agency

What is a blog Umrah ?

A blog Umrah is a website where the muslim pilgrims to share their experience and advice to perform the Umrah, the small pilgrimage to Mecca.

Is it possible to achieve his blog Umrah without going through an agency ?

Yes, it is possible to create and manage its own blog Umrah without going through an agency. It is enough to have knowledge in computer science and web writing to share his experiences with a wider audience.

Blog Umrah without agencyTravel agency for Umrah
Less expensiveHigher cost
More freedom in the choicePreset program
More responsibility in the organizationFull support of the agency
Less warranty as to the quality of the servicesQuality guarantee agency
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