Your guide to Umrah

Conçu for to help you accomplish your Umrah without going through an agency.

No group to follow, or programs imposed. With the help of On-site Guides to guide you, We organize and coordinate your stay, so that you Enjoy your Umrah at your own pace in freedom.

Guide service charges, Solution cover 100% free ! 

Ready to undertake the Umrah with us ? Find out how you can support our mission to make this sacred journey accessible and meaningful for every muslim.


Services Adapted to Each

Do not make your Umrah  an event stressful, Get a religious leader francophone, and a private driver, so you can focus on the essential and make the most of the holy places.


A Friendly Moment To explain the importance of Umrah has the whole family


This Trip will stay in your Heart forever


Your First Umrah :

 a Blessed Journey in a Blessed Place


This journey encourages the heart to reform and causes them to act for the best works.


Supervisors who contribute for the good conduct, through advice and concern of your comfort.

Finally a pilgrimage without constraints.

sacred house in mecca

We can help you organize your umrah step by step! Spiritual preparation and practice, Logistics, Visa, Booking your flight tickets and your accommodation. Check out these different steps in detail !

In a few clicks, Book with ease all the benefits of supporting your spiritual journey and religious on a single full site.

Once you have chosen your benefits, we share all on WhatsApp to see the details (Date, Time, course....) and we stay in contact all along your journey.

Take a look at The rites of Umrah

in Arabic

in French

Complete Guide Illustrated with the Rites of Umrah

To have the e-book on his phone provides the convenience of easily transport all the rituals and invocations during the Umrah.




Aéroport <-> Hôtel
Gare <-> Hôtel
Makkah <-> Médine



Aéroport <->Hôtel
gare <-> Hôtel
Médine <-> Makkah

Training E-learning

Save and Complete the Umrah Without Agency with Confidence
save at least 500€ / Person


toyota hiace

cover custom

Private Chauffeur for the transportation of celebrities, artists and stars.

Our services are accessible to both professionals and individuals

Opt for a Service tailor-made Support that requires discretion, promptness and comfort

Other Services

For all services, please contact us directly by clicking on the icon for WhatsApp.

Visit Desert

Camel milk

Palm grove

Qamis custom -


Welcome to UMRAH Without Agency, your partner dedicated to simplify and enrich your experience in the small pilgrimage (Umrah). Our mission is to facilitate your sacred journey by providing a coordination expertise by putting you in contact with English-speaking guides on-site for a significant experience and serene.

1. Make Your Pilgrimage : 

Our priority is to simplify every step of your Umrah. We understand the importance of this journey spiritual and that is why we take care of the organization and coordination of every detail of the logistics, allowing you to focus on your devotion, and your adoration.

2. Competent English-Speaking Guides : 

We work with English-speaking guides local experienced and knowledgeable, who will be at your side during your pilgrimage. Their in-depth knowledge, their understanding of the traditions and their ability to communicate in French, you will provide essential support throughout your stay.

3. Inspiration and Sharing : 

Beyond the logistics, we aspire to inspire and nurture your experience of Umrah. Our blog and our resources provide useful information, of spiritual reflections and practical advice to support you in your sacred journey.

4. Community Support :

We believe in the power of a community united by faith. Our GOOGLE account allows you to share your experiences, your advice and your thoughts with other pilgrims, creating a space for support and mutual enrichment.

5. Universal Accessibility :

Our commitment to accessibility extends beyond borders. We aim to make our expertise available for the muslims of the francophone world, providing information in French to encourage clear communication.


By supporting UMRAH Without Agency, you will contribute to our vision of a world where every muslim can perform Umrah in peace and serenity. Your donations allow us to continue to help people arrange their travel free of charge, to provide quality services, to extend our reach and support more believers in this sacred experience.

Join us in this adventure and together, create memories, spiritual, that will have a lasting impact.

Opinions Authentic Customer

Preview authentic experiences of other Pilgrims.

Organize a Umrah without agency : the key steps for a pilgrimage successful

The desire to accomplish a Umrah without agency is a yearning quite legitimate for the people who want to live an authentic spiritual experience and personal. To organize peacefully this spiritual journey without a agencyit is necessary to control the procedure and the possible alternatives in terms of the visa, hotel booking or rituals associated with the Umrah. The lines that follow will guide you in this adventure in Saudi Arabia.

Travel to Mecca, in the heart of Arabia, for a stay spiritual, generates a host of emotions. To obtain your visa becomes first stone of the edifice of your pilgrimage. Imagine the sweetness of Hajj, this intimate communion with devotion pure. Each step, meticulously prepared, becomes a note of harmony in the symphony of your Umrah. Let yourself be guided by the promise of an unforgettable experience, forever etched into the fabric of your being.

The administrative formalities to perform Umrah without agency

One of the essential prerequisites to achieve a Umrah without agency regarding the procedure for obtaining the visa omra. In fact, the entry into Saudi Arabia requires a visa specifically designed for pilgrims wishing to visit the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. It is therefore necessary to check with consular authorities, the saudi of your country to know the conditions and the time to obtain.

Once the visa is obtained, it is essential to carefully plan his stay in Saudi Arabia. In fact, travelling without the assistance of a travel agency specialized implies, in particular, to book your own flight tickets and accommodation, ensuring to find hotels tailored to their needs, and respectful of the principles halal.

The stages of the pilgrimage and guidance for Umrah successful without agency

A pilgrimage to the Saudi Arabia wouldn't be complete without a spiritual preparation and practice rites of umrah. In fact, accomplish a Umrah without agency means more learn about the different stages of the pilgrimage, since entering the state of Ihram until the return to daily life. For this, it is possible to consult the online guides or exchange with other pilgrims who have already made the trip.

  • Paperwork for the visa : check with consular authorities, the saudi arabian and prepare the necessary documents (valid passport, passport photos, proof of vaccination against meningitis, etc)
  • Booking plane tickets : compare offers from airlines and choose the times of departure and return are adapted to the duration of the Umrah
  • Accommodation : select a hotel near places of worship, and amenities (restaurants, halal, public transport) and book in advance to secure the best rates
  • Local Transport : learn about the available means of transport between the sites of pilgrimage (buses, taxis, shuttles), and eventually rent a car for longer battery life
  • Spiritual preparation : get acquainted with the rites of Umrah, learn the specific prayers and obtain a guide to pilgrimage to follow each step of the way

Thus, self-organization of its Umrah without agency requires a certain rigor in the preparation of the trip and the completion of administrative formalities. However, this option provides the flexibility invaluable to live fully in this unique spiritual experience independence.

The options for accommodation in a Umrah without agency

In regards to the accommodation, it is essential to choose his hotel for his stay at Mecca and Medina. The proximity of the holy places can be an important criterion for the pilgrims. Fortunately, there are a multitude of accommodation options for all budgets, ranging from 5 star hotels to pensions more modest. By booking in line, without passing through a agencyyou will have the possibility to compare the price and select a hotel that meets your expectations and your budget.

In addition, it is possible to find special offers for pilgrims performing theUmrah. It should be more than check if the hotel offers services that are tailored to the needs of pilgrims, such as meals halala shuttle service to the holy places, or the possibility to book rooms for large families. Finally, don't forget that the application for accommodation can be high during some periods, especially during the month of Hajj, so be sure to book well enough in advance to avoid any disappointment.

Move in Saudi Arabia during your Umrah without agency

To move in Saudi Arabia when your travel without agency, there are several options available to you. Public transport, such as buses, are a solution to economic and convenient way to travel long distances between the main cities, such as Mecca, Medina and Jeddah. The taxi services and official applications such as VTC (vehicle with driver) are no longer available, but it is advisable to check the rates before boarding.

If you prefer to have more freedom of movement, the car rental can be an interesting option, although the conduct in Saudi Arabia could be an experience that is different from your country of origin. Do remember to check if your driving licence is accepted, and if you need to obtain an international driving licence. Finally, for travel between Mecca and Medina, the high-speed train Haramain Express is an excellent alternative that combines comfort and speed.

Tips to save during an Umrah without agency

To perform a Umrah without agencyit may be useful to predict a realistic budget and to adopt certain tricks to save on the cost of the trip. For example, book his flight tickets and accommodation in advance, a focus starts in the low season or to travel in a group to share the cost can achieve substantial cost savings.

Mistakes to avoid when organizing a Umrah without agency

Finally, to achieve its pilgrimage without agency, it is important to avoid some common errors, such as neglecting the administrative formalities, you choose a web hosting too distant holy places, or does not provide enough time to accomplish the rites the Umrah. A good preparation upstream and accurate information on the stages of the journey are essential to a spiritual experience serene and rewarding.

Successful Umrah without agency : a challenge to the scope of all

Ultimately, perform a Umrah without agency is a project that is feasible for you to take the time to learn and prepare for his trip. Accommodation options and transport are numerous, and planning wisely your pilgrimage, you can have a spiritual experience unique and personal. Feel free to share your tips and tricks with other pilgrims in quest for autonomy and authenticity. Good luck in your spiritual undertaking !

FAQ : Everything you need to know about the organization of an umrah without agency

Is it possible to organize the umrah without going through a travel agency ?

Yes, it is entirely possible to organize your own umrah without going through a travel agency. This can be economic and allow you to customize your program according to your needs.

How to get the visa for umrah if I do not pass by a travel agency ?

You can get a visa for umrah by directly contacting the consulate or embassy of the country concerned. Documents such as your passport, photos, and a certificate of vaccination may be required.

What are the precautions to take when planning an umrah without agency ?

It is important to plan your trip in advance to avoid the unexpected. Make sure you have booked all your accommodation prior to your departure, and learn about the local transport as well as on the recommended routes. Please do not hesitate to seek opinions and advice from other pilgrims who have already completed their umrah without agency.

Organization Freedom to choose the dates, hotels, and itineraries Responsibility for the organisation of each step of Umrah
Cost Less expensive because there is no agency commission More time and effort to find the best deals and bookings
Assistance No restriction on the hours of prayer and the work to be done Lack of assistance in case of problems or emergencies
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